Vampires And Werewolves Game

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And yes, if I end up loving the game as much as I'm hoping, I will definitely be looking to add vampires and werewolves to my game! Posted Sun Nov 9, 2014 8:21 am. Vampires and Werewolves.allies or enemies? You decide as you evade human hunters while traveling around the globe feasting, prowling and battling rival Houses for territory. Become one of the privileged, establish your House as dominant, consult the tarot, throw the bones, collect Mythical Objects to aid in your Mischief. Grow your fangs and secure your seat on the council as you claw your. More About MMORPG with Vampires and Werewolves. First of all, many MMORPG with Vampires release this feature in different ways. It can be a race of the hero, a class, or a function that can be acquired during the game. Depending on that, the abilities, lore and appearance of the vampiric heroes change dramatically. Vampires and Werewolves.allies or enemies? You decide as you evade human hunters while traveling around the globe feasting, prowling and battling rival Houses for territory. Become one of the privileged, establish your House as dominant, consult the tarot, throw the bones, collect Mythical Objects to aid in your Mischief. Grow your fangs and secure your seat on the council.

  1. Witches Vampires And Werewolves
  2. Vampires And Werewolf Game
Vampire (R) vs Werewolf (L)

Characteristics of Werewolves and Vampires

Vampires are mythological creatures that feed on the blood of living creatures. In previous eras, vampires were often described as bloated and dark in color. Since the Victorian era, they have typically been presented as charismatic and sophisticated predators. They have fangs which they use to drink blood, and typically have a human-esque appearance. They typically cannot come out in the daytime, and so are nocturnal.

Werewolves, or lycanthropes, are mythological humanoid creatures that can shapeshift into a wolf-like creature either on purpose or due to a curse. They often turn into werewolves involuntarily on the full moon. Traditional werewolf folklore says that even in human form, werewolves' eyebrows meet at the bridge of the nose, that they have curved fingernails, low-set ears and a swinging stride. Commonly, werewolves in wolf form are indistinguishable from real wolves, but they can be portrayed as larger. Play wonder 4 slot for free.

How they are created

Vampire origins vary from culture to culture. In Slavic and Chinese stories, any corpse that was jumped over by an animal might become a vampire, as might any body with a wound that had not been treated with boiling water. In modern Western tales, people typically become vampires either after another vampire drinks their blood, or, more commonly, after they drink the blood of a vampire themselves.

Folklore suggested that people could become werewolves by removing clothing and putting on a belt of wolfskin, or drinking rainwater out of a wolf's footprint. 19th century fiction established the idea that new werewolves are created when a werewolf bites or wounds a human being.

A Werewolf by Night comic by Marvel Comics


Pantone color manager 2 3 4 0. Vampires are often portrayed as immortal creatures. In some tales, they can fly or turn into bats.

Werewolves are associated with super strength and speed. They are typically considered almost entirely invulnerable.


Vampires are often portrayed as sensitive to sunlight and garlic. They are also vulnerable to holy objects such as crosses and holy water. According to some legends, vampires are also unable to enter a house unless they are invited inside.Vampires need to drink blood to survive and are vulnerable during feeding.

Werewolves are vulnerable to silver bullets and other silver weapons.

Origins and Evolution

Vampire stories can be found in many cultures, but the term 'vampire' was not popularized until the early 18th century, when many vampire superstitions came to Western Europe from the Balkans and Eastern Europe. This led to mass hysteria and accusations of vampirism.

The archetype of the vampire was established by vampire literature, particularly John Polidori's 1819 novella The Vampyre. This inspired works such as Varney the Vampire, and then Dracula by Bram Stoker. Stoker's novel is considered the quintessential vampire novel and is the basis for most modern vampire fiction.

Vampires and werewolves game

Big panda games. Some references to men changing into wolves can be found in Ancient Greek and Roman mythology. Ovid and Virgil both wrote of men turning into wolves.

Famous appearances

One of the most famous Vampire stories is Bram Stoker's Dracula, and this novel inspired many elements of the modern vampire. The latter half of the 20th century saw many vampire epic novels, such as Anne Rice's popular Vampire Chronicles. More recently, vampires have appeared in many dark romance and paranormal romance series as sympathetic anti-heroes. These series include Twilight, The Vampire Academy, Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter, and True Blood. In films, vampires appeared in the German silent film Nosferatu, which was unofficially based on Dracula. The film and TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer made vampires part of the popular culture in the 90s and early 2000s, and were followed by series such as True Blood and The Vampire Diaries.

The novel Dracula also used werewolf mythology. The first film to feature a werewolf was Werewolf of London in 1935. Werewolves also appeared, in a sympathetic role, in The Wolf Man in 1941. Werewolves appear in popular novels such as the Harry Potter series, Twilight, Terry Pratchett's work, and the Shiver series.


Anonymous asked: Do you have any werewolf and/or vampire prompts? :3


  1. A newly infected werewolf has to figure out how they got infected.
  2. An abandoned werewolf child is raised by actual wolves.
  3. Character is offered a cure for their lycanthropy and they have to decide whether that's what they want.
  4. A teen werewolf wants to go on a school trip, but it takes place on a full moon.
  5. Character desperately wants to become a werewolf.
  6. Werewolf working in an animal shelter.
  7. Werewolves protecting their hunting grounds (whether against another pack or against destruction of the ecosystem is up to you).
  8. Werewolf professional athlete.
  9. Werewolf sheriff/detective.
  10. A village that's werewolf only.
  11. Werewolf parents disappointed because their child can't shift.
  12. A new werewolf, with new large appetite, makes family reunion awkward by eating everything.
  13. Werewolf gets shot at in their wolf form.
  14. Werewolf confuses scientists by appearing somewhere wolves aren't supposed to live.
  15. Werewolf tries to sell their old silver jewelry.


Witches Vampires And Werewolves

  1. If a vampire can't see themselves in a mirror, how do they satisfy their vanity?
  2. Vampire annoying their booty calls by always having to leave before dawn.
  3. Vampire losing their job at a blood bank for stealing blood.
  4. Vampire who prefers their bat form.
  5. A person afraid of blood turned into a vampire.
  6. Vampires mocking people who dress like vampires for costume parties.
  7. Post-apocalyptic vampires protecting humans as an endangered species.
  8. Vampires who compete in hunting humans.
  9. Vampires who write angry blog posts about the portrayal of vampires in fiction.
  10. Vampire territory wars and struggles.
  11. The evolution of vampire laws (whether the laws vampires observe or the laws for vampires in a society where humans know about them).
  12. Vampires being imprisoned as research objects.
  13. A feudal lord vampire who keeps humans as loyal subjects they protect but also a source of food.
  14. Vampires working in medical research because they want to keep humans as healthy as possible and because they are sensitive to the workings of human body.

Werewolf and Vampire:

Vampires And Werewolf Game

  • Werewolf and Vampire compete in strength.
  • Werewolf and Vampire meet online. When they meet face to face, they instantly know what the other one is.
  • Alternatively, a blind date.
  • Werewolf helps the Vampire with daylight errands in the exchange for safe space for full moons.
  • Werewolf and Vampire as members of a special task force.
  • Werewolf and Vampire as lovers; werewolves are mortal and can't turn into vampires.
  • Werewolves and Vampires having radically different opinions on how to treat humans.
  • Werewolf being frustrated with the Vampires lack of wildlife survival skills.

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